Thursday, December 3, 2015

My Thoughts

The world is constantly changing.
The Earth is slowly losing oxygen.
The sun is slowly dying.
Time is running out.
Our existence is limited in time and space.
In this urgency of existence we meet
We are born, and we will die one day
I want to return
I want to return to the past where the people reside
in places I've been
But the world is changing
And past is only in memory
They are gone. The places are different.
I do not know these people.
I do not know these places.
Most places are not preserved for historical significance or emotional attachment
They change completely within a matter of months or years
because money is the driving force of the world
The playground is there, but the kids are different
and I am different. I am no longer a kid.
I am too big for the swings and the slide
The school is there, but the students and faculty have changed
It's not the same school of the past
I cannot be a part of it as I was in the past.
I cannot join them and become friends with them
I cannot be in the same place again
I cannot meet the same people again
Because the world has changed
The places have changed
And the people have changed
Imagine I am in a large dark structure
with each floors containing different memories
The people and places that form the substance of such memories
lighten up the dark structure with emotional attachment
I reach out for them but the floors are constantly shifting
By the time I can touch them the places have already changed
I only know I am headed in the right direction
because my paintings come out alright
Oh how much I miss my friends who no longer talk
How much changes have been in my life
and the world we reside in

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